Why This Course?

  • Confidence In Your Own Skin

    Confidence comes when we learn to live well in our bodies. In these three lessons, you'll participate in excellent teaching (lectures, articles, and videos) and actively engage in practical exercises and applications. It's here we start to live confidently in our own skin.

  • The I'm Not Enough Messages

    We've bought the message that our bodies are deficient and in need of repair; they are "not enough." Those messages have done their damage and kept us in bondage. Jesus desires more for us. In these lessons, we'll learn to identify the negative narratives we've received from home, culture, and the church. Then we'll look at God's view of our female body. Trust me, "It's very good." (Gen. 1:31) Finally, we'll apply practical tools to help us live confidently in our bodies.

  • God's Desire For Women

    God's desire for us is to be able to live well in our one-of-a-kind-never-to-be-seen-again-in-history-image-bearing bodies. May we be women who can praise God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made; his works are wonderful, we know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Why Wait?

It's here we are talking about becoming a confident woman in our own skin. Which means we have to be confident in our bodies. Your life happens in a body. You are a one-of-a-kind never to be seen again embodied image-bearer.

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  • Rev. Dr. Jackie Roese

    Instructor & Online Pastor

    Rev. Dr. Jackie Roese

    Jackie grew up working on her family farm in Upstate New York. As an adult, she focused that work ethic in pursuing her Master's and Doctorate degrees while raising three children. She has taught the Scriptures and trained other women to do the same for more than 25 years. Jackie founded The Marcella Project (TMP), an organization committed to reshaping the view of women, in 2011. For a decade, TMP has ennobled women (lift up to dignity as Jesus intended) through Scripture-focused teaching, training, and dialogue. She has had the opportunity to teach women in the U.S. and women in Rwanda, Romania, India, Congo, and South Sudan. Jackie also trains women to teach through her She Can Teach training course. Publications: She Can Teach, Lime Green, I'm Enough, Relationshift, and over 30 bible studies for women. (Purchase on Amazon.com) Learn more at www.themarcellaproject.com.